The babies are here! My best friend growing up and her wonderful husband Jordan announced the birth of their son William Charles Hughes on Sunday. I love the name William and it is a perfect fit for this gorgeous little man. Shannon has been one of my closest friends for the majority of my life. We have truly grown up together and I know she is going to be an amazing mother. Shannon is one of the strongest women I know so when I got the message she was going in to deliver I wasn't worried about her at all. I knew she would come through in style and the after photos definitely showed it. The whole family looked great! It's moments like this that I really feel the ocean between us. I would love to be there to give my friend a hug and to meet her new baby. My girlfriends have been wonderful about keeping me in the loop, thank you Erin and Meredith. I don't know what I would have done without my instant messenger, facebook and skype. They really have been my life lines especially in moments like these.
This morning I received another wonderful announcement. My beautiful friend Leah, one of my University girlfriends and her husband Steve had their baby yesterday. A gorgeous little girl, Briar Marie Gariepy, please send pictures! Leah has always been my happy-go-lucky, optimistic, caring, sensitive and fun loving friend. I can just imagine the fun that Leah and Briar are going to have together. I'm so proud of you and can't wait to meet Briar. Congratulations Ford Face! Love Harris Head! Thank you Cate for thinking of me and sending the message :)
I know it's strange but when I think of my friends I think of Shannon and I being sixteen and our adventures through life in the teenage years. I can still remember meeting Leah in our first year of University like it was yesterday. So much has changed but the friendships remain the same. Love you guys and love your new additions xoxoxo
One more very important message; remember ladies, in these formative early years you need to stay strong, these babies are Sens fans!