Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Great Eggspectations

Nick and I are still living at our short stay apartment. It is becoming more of a mid range stay then a short stay at this point. We've been here a week already! We are hoping to be back in our place by the end of the week but who knows???? I am really starting to miss our little apartment. I find it really frustrating how long this whole process has taken. Do I have unreasonable expectations? I just think our landlord should have paid the bill as we have been paying him to do so and that the electric company should have shorter service time, especially in the winter months when they know we can't live in the apartment without utilities. We are currently paying into a new contract but are waiting for the company to come to our place to turn it on. No one can give me a firm date either. Arrrrghhh! That's right, arrrrghhh!
On a more exciting note, this Thursday I am going Christmas shopping with my Canadian friend Laura. I don't really have any shopping to do because Nick and I are taking a trip for Christmas but I love holiday shopping. I'm looking forward to grabbing a tea and just hanging out. The stores are a buzz and the streets are decorated with beautiful holiday lights. We have plans for Saturday night as well. We are going for dinner to Laura and Richard's house. Laura said she plans to make something with pumpkin in honor of the American Thanksgiving. I love pumpkin! A few friends from my spin class also asked Nick and I out for drinks. We have turned in to quite the social butterflies :)
Today was my busy day. I teach 4-classes on Tuesday's and it leaves me pretty fatigued. I finish teaching at 10pm and by the time I get home it's 10:20pm and I'm still wired from teaching. I have to sit and watch tv for a bit to unwind before I hit the pit. I always have great plans to get up early on Wednesday to make the most of the day but I usually need the sleep in for recovery. Tomorrow I would like to start the morning with a yoga class but we'll see how I feel.
Nick made me some delicious scrambled eggs when I got home. What a nice treat! I don't know how he does it but his eggs are way better then mine. They are always nice and fluffy and perfectly cooked. I'm not great at taking the time to eat after I exercise and he knows that I often neglect nutrition when I finish this late. Opting for my comfortable bed instead. I never feel very hungry and when I'm this physically tired I'm not motivated to cook. I realize that it is really important to fuel to keep up my energy levels and to help with recovery especially after teaching this much. I'm all about routine and I find that my eating routine goes out the window on Tuesday's. I eat mostly small snack type meals because of my busy schedule and that I'm eating on the run but today I made a focused effort to have nutritious snacks. I've been feeling a little run down lately and I think it's because I haven't been eating the right things at the right time. Thanks for the scramble Nick, they exceeded my great eggspectations!

1 comment:

  1. You are a dork, Harri. The best kind!! Give Nick a high-fiver from me for taking good care of you. Good luck with the move!
